July 31, 2023

Hello from your new Principal!

Hi there!

I am sure you are wondering…..a little bit about me…..so I thought I would take this time and tell you a few things.

First off, I am SO EXCITED to join the St. Rose of Lima School Community Family!

To let you in on a secret, I was praying that I would find a new home and know I was in the right place. Not just any place- but a special place like home. I know the Lord always puts us where and when we need to be, but sometimes it is nice when he shows us!

Catholic education is very important to me because I think we have the best mission in the world! We produce a superior product:  students and families who appreciate the world around them, who have a sense of compassion, kindness, and love- and who have excellent academic and problem-solving skills. Most importantly, we love The Lord and get to share our faith with people, sometimes in the smallest of ways- sometimes, that means smiling at someone on the bus.  As I used to tell my middle school students in Harlem- Love Your Neighbor-and that means everybody!

The first answer to my prayer of finding the right place was when I saw the beautiful landscape of the ocean view from the church rectory. I knew a new path might be ahead, but The Lord will be with me at every step! I know many people from New York City helped create the roads, parts of the beach, and the boardwalk- but that ocean and sky was all the way! Wow, very breathtaking! It reminds you to be happy and grateful that you have a pair of eyes to see and ears to hear the waves and the seagulls.

The second sign that SHOUTED to me-” This is no accident!”- was when I saw the lifeguard stations because I know the guy who helped create those- and I said- this is no accident! More on that later!

And the last sign was that I know a few people- or people who know people…. Like St. Rose of Lima Musical Director Kevin Faughy. Mr. Faughy’s daughter Kelly and I went to graduate school together! My cousin works at St. Francis, and my District Superintendent happens to know a good friend and former colleague of mine- guardian angels are everywhere!

I look forward to helping and serving this wonderful community and, most of all, sharing my faith.

May God bless you all through the Summer months- and I will see you In September, if not before!

With joy,

Miss Moffo
